No Destination: Millersburg

The hardest thing about driving with No Destination is having a Destination, mainly because I must pass by some cities and towns that I otherwise would love to visit. This was the case with Paris. Paris: I will return.

Traveling on, I approached Millersburg - a town in northern Bourbon county which was founded in 1798.

Millersburg native Mae Street Kidd served in Kentucky's General Assembly from 1968-1985. Kidd was instrumental in Kentucky's symbolic ratification of the Civil War Amendments (Constitutional Amendments 13, 14 and 15) - 112 years after the Amendments went into effect. She was also instrumental in Kentucky's adoption of fair housing laws and other civil rights efforts.

Pictured above is Miller's Block - which based on its name I can only guess that it relates back to the family for which the town is named (albeit 1885 is 87 years after the town was founded). Any Bourbon Countians or Millersburgites care to offer some background on Miller's Block?
