Grayson County Courthouse - Leitchfield, Ky.

Grayson County has a pretty unique history according to the Kentucky Encyclopedia. The county was the fifty-fourth to be formed, and among the early landowners was George Washington himself. The county is actually named for an aide of Washington's Col. William Grayson. The county has several unique distinctions. It was the home of Grayson Springs, a summer resort community, and is the home of the Walter T. Kelley Bee Hive Factory, one of the largest manufacturers of beekeeping equipment in the country.
The courthouse above is the fourth built in Leitchfield, the first being burned in the Civil War, and two others after it having suffered the same fate. This Beaux Arts structure was built in 1938 with a PWA grant.
Here's the really strange thing about this courthouse. As I drove into town, I couldn't help but feel deja vu. It's impossible not to be reminded of Bardstown. The courthouse squares of both Grayson and Nelson counties are identical. The courthouses are different, but they have the same roundabout design with the courthouse in the middle. Weird...but it gets weirder in E-town.


Peter Brackney said…
The weird feling will repeat itself in Columbia (Adair County). In Columbia, it is difficult to actually walk around the courthouse because you end up being in the street. I imagine the Adair County Courthouse being hit by cars - a lot.
Anonymous said…
Try driving around it when you are a new driver and trying to figure out how to get to the street you want. There are some crazy drivers in that town, I should know because I'm from there.