Fourth of July Celebrations

Happy Independence DayOn Friday evening, I enjoyed the sounds of the Lexington Singers and the Lexington Philharmonic at the Patriotic Concert held on the steps of Transylvania University's Old Morrison with the crowd filling Gratz Park. Saturday, July 3, included the annual downtown festival, parade and fireworks. Lexington always puts its best foot forward on the Fourth of July and I always love being downtown on this day. On this day, all of Lexington comes together to celebrate - in one place. The politics, the people watching, the food - everything makes for a terrific day.

I'm not posting any histories today, but I am encouraging you to post comments here about how you celebrated the Fourth of July. Also, check out all the pictures I took over the weekend in my flickr Fourth of July Festivities set.

And Happy Independence Day!


Raellyn said…
For the past couple of years, our favorite activity has been creating a Meadowthorpe neighborhood float with several of our neighbors. I love how we, as a community of neighbors, can come together and work on a project that creates pride in our neighborhood and enjoyment for all of the parade viewers too.

Bug and I love all the activities that Lexington holds for the Fourth of July celebration, and the common sense to spread them out over the week preceding the holiday so we can enjoy as much as we can. :)

Thanks for taking a picture of our float "Living Green in Meadowthorpe" from the Fourth of July parade! Meadowthorpe has applied for a grant to educate our neighborhood about residential environmental stewardship, and we were promoting ways to lessen our impact on the environment to fulfill the parade theme of Celebrating America!
Peter Brackney said…
Y'all had a terrific float - I love the neighborhoods (Meadowthorpe, Kenwick, Bell Court, etc.) who bring their own personality/values/emphasis to the parade.

Hope you'll continue to explore my blog, too!