No Destination: Site of Fairfield

Site of Fairfield
Site of Fairfield, Bourbon Co., Ky.
US-27 between Paris and Cynthiana is filled with historic markers. At each sign, I dutifully pull over to explore.  Historic Marker #82, Site of Fairfield:

One mile northeast. Built by James Garrard, second Governor of Kentucky, 1796-1800; reelected 1800-04. Bourbon County's first court held here, 1786. Near here, Mt. Lebanon, Kentucky's earliest Governor's mansion.

Mt. Lebanon was actually Gov. Garrard's residence, constructed by him in 1782 on the Stoner Fork of the Licking River. He is buried at Mt. Lebanon. Fairfield was Gov. Garrard's son's home and was adjacent to Mt. Lebanon. Many Garrard family members - a major family in Kentucky's history - claimed Fairfield as their birthplace.
