This Just Happened, a weekly roundup

An update on Lexington's Distillery District: an update (updated feasibility study) is coming. [H-L]

An effort is underway to perserve Louisville's last three remaining Rosenwald Schools (originally, there were 7). The schools - which provided southern African American children an education in the early twentieth century - were named after the president of Sears Roebuck & Co, Julius Rosenwald. He led the charge for funding the construction and operation of these important educational landmarks. [C/J]

The Kentucky State Senate passed legislation setting up a regulatory scheme for the growth of industrial hemp in the Commonwealth. Now Sens. Paul and McConnell (both Republicans, along with Oregon's two Democratic senators) and Kentucky Reps. Massie (R) and Yarmuth (D) are sponsoring legislation in Washington to legalize hemp nationally (with certain limits). [cn|2]

Covington is gearing up to celebrate its 200th birthday. [RCN]
