This Just Happened, a weekly roundup (Happy Halloween edition!)

I wanted to start with an awesome picture from Keeneland pulled from the UK Instagram account. Happy Halloween!

This week from the Kaintuckeean and elsewhere from around the Commonwealth. First, from the Kaintuckeean ....

And one more item from social media. I took this picture from my office window early Thursday. Sts. Peter and Paul School in downtown Lexington was celebrating 100 years of Catholic education in downtown Lexington. A rosary service in Triangle Park ended with releasing this giant balloon rosary over Lexington:

No, I didn't get a RT from His Holiness. And now from elsewhere in Kentucky:

A profile on the hauntings of the Willis Green House in Danville [Advocate-Messenger]

KyForward republishes my #MarkerMonday piece on Duncan Tavern in Paris [KyForward]

95 acres added to Mill Springs Battlefield while another 100+ could be added in future [Herald-Leader]

Launching on Friday, the Beer Cheese Trail is now open in Winchester which is the Official Birthplace of Beer Cheese [Winchester Sun]
