Robertson County Courthouse - Mt. Olivet, Ky. |
That is why a place like the Robertson County Courthouse is so important.
The building you see above is the only courthouse that has ever stood in Robertson County, and it is a beautiful structure. I have never had the chance to practice in Robertson County, and I keep waiting for a case to happen there that I can swoop in and take, just so I can make appearances in this courthouse.
The courthouse renovation project saw an annex added to the historic 1872 structure. Photo: Peter Brackney. |
Robertson County is tiny. In fact, it's only about 100 square miles. Even with its tiny size, some remarkable history has taken place here. It is the site of what many believe to be the final battle of the Revolutionary War - the Battle of Blue Licks - where in 1782 a group of Native Americans, led by the British, ambushed 176 Kentuckians.
And here's a weird note - at one time, county seat Mt. Olivet, which is obviously a name with Biblical implications, was called "Hell's Half Acre."