This Just Happened, a weekly roundup (Happy Mother's Day Edition)

My Mom walking the 'Lil Kaintuckeean down
a Lexington sidewalk a couple years ago
Happy Mother's Day to all the Kentucky moms and grandmoms out there!

To celebrate, the Louisville Slugger is going pink! [Courier-Journal]

It apepars that a superb series of television programs on Kentucky's rich history will air on KET in the coming weeks. [KYForward]

In the words of Yoda, revisiting its alcohol-free campus policy UK may be. [LEX18]

Kentucky's first trail town is Dawson Springs in western Ky. Can't wait to visit [14News]

Plans for recovery for tornado-ravaged West Liberty [Herald-Leader/Tom Eblen]

A Franklin County farmhouse built around the original log-cabin saddlebag is undergoing the NRHP application process [LEX18]

... And From Elsewhere ...

Abandoned Chicago landmarks Cook County Hospital and Brach's Candy Factory face an uncertain future [WGN]

Philadelphia's Woodlands is the scene for a new movie directed as a thesis project by a Temple U student [Bricks+Mortar]
