Neiman's UK Basketball Game |
For Kentucky basketball fans, Neiman painted the most famous painting in our beloved team's history. Commissioned by Ashland Oil in 1977, the original of Neiman's "UK Basketball Game Between UK and St. John's, December 17, 1977" hangs on display in the UK Art Museum. Below is my write up on this spectacular work of art:
Another "see blue" work which I noted was a Leroy Neiman oil depicting a 1977 basketball game between the UK Wildcats and St. John's University. Of course, UK has recently played and handily beaten St. Johns which was a repeat of this 102-72 affair featuring Kentucky greats Jack Givens, James Lee, Kyle Macy, Mike Phillips and Rick Robey.Rest in peace, LeRoy.
This oil was exquisite and the short brush strokes gave it a fervor that would have been present during the UKIT and throughout the season as our Cats would go on to a record of 30-2 and a National Championship (defeating Duke) under the helm of Joe B. Hall.